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learning to write strong academic essays

The Correct Essay Structure: A Quick Guide

An excellent essay is the one that matches the chosen topic, discovers it to the full and is easily readable for the audience. There are several very simple points that will help you create a readable, properly structured essay on any subject.

  1. Remember an essay structure.
  2. There are three main parts of any essay. They are called Introduction, Body Paragraph and Conclusion. The Body can contain as many points as you want, or as many points as needed to discover the subject. You need at least these three parts that are separated from each other to make your project readable and understandable. In the Introduction, as you can guess, you introduce the topic and briefly tell your readers what your work is about, why you have chosen this topic and what your point of view is. In the Conclusion, you are supposed to let your readers know which results you have achieved with the help of your research.

  3. Remember the Body Paragraph structure.
  4. Each paragraph within the Body part should be properly structured, too. Its structure will help you give the readers a clearer idea of what you are talking about. So, general mnemonics of each paragraph’s structure offers the abbreviation SEXI, where S is for your Statement, E is for your Explanations, X is for your eXamples and I is for the Importance. What does it mean? It means that first of all, you start your paragraph from naming its main point. Then, you move on to explaining the point further and convincing the reader that it is true. This part should be the bulkiest piece of the whole paragraph. Prove the statement with a quote, a fact, everything that makes readers sure that the statement is trustworthy. Finally, inform the reader on the importance of the point you have proved in this paragraph. It’s necessary to say that this last piece of the structure is rather optional, but if you can do it, you should do it.

  5. Give attention to the bibliography.
  6. It’s an important part for essays that are written, using works

    of other researchers of the subject. You need to mention all sources of information that you have used in your work in order to avoid being charged with plagiarism. Give attention to both printed and online sources of information.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in a good essay structure. If you have a good outline that considers all the mentioned points, you will have a perfect essay.

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Need help with essay? ibuyessay.com - good essay writing service.

Stuck with essay? Read this essay writing tips.

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