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learning to write strong academic essays

Tried And True Ways To Write A Great Essay About Bullying

Writing a great essay about bullying can seem a little overwhelming at first, but with the right plan and technique you should find that it is a lot easier than you first might have expected. Here are some tried and true ways of writing a great essay about any topic on bullying:

  1. Create an essay writing plan
  2. Start by developing a plan of attack towards working through every phase of your assignment – from research to printing a final copy. Start with your deadline and work backwards, setting enough time to complete each phase comfortably without having to rush. It would be a good idea to include a few buffer days to help with any unexpected challenges.

  3. Do some background research
  4. Search online for some background information on bullying. Look up current issues and key terms to familiarize yourself with common knowledge. Next, go to the library and search for academic sources. Your essay will be more credible to the reader if you can back up your claims with credible references.

  5. Create a draft thesis and outline
  6. Take your research notes and organize them into related ideas. Narrow the focus of your paper by studying your three best ideas and develop a draft thesis statement. The sentence may be no more than a phrase at this point; this is okay just as long as you have something to guide your work. Next take your ideas and arrange them into a detailed outline with a topic phrase and a note about each piece of evidence or example you plan to use in support of your thesis statement.

  7. Start writing the first essay draft
  8. Take your outline and refer to it as you write your first draft as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Don’t stop to make corrections as you go because this will only break up your momentum and might have you fall off track. Get down all of your ideas as they pop up in your mind. This way you will get to everything you thought of while brainstorming.

  9. Finally, revise, edit and proofread
  10. Before submitting your assignment on bullying you should completely revise, edit and proofread your work. Revise actively looking for every opportunity to improve the structure and logic of your argument. Edit for proper English, choosing the most clear and direct way of expressing your ideas. And finally, proofread for all mistakes in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Useful Links

Need help with essay? ibuyessay.com - good essay writing service.

Stuck with essay? Read this essay writing tips.

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