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The Structure Of A One-Page Essay: Basic Rules To Follow

A one page essay is one of the easiest types of papers. Unlike other forms this one is actually very short and you can wrap it up quickly. But unlike other forms here you have to keep things very short and these may lead to problems if you try too much explaining in your paper.

Some basic rules you should follow while writing a one page essay:

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  • Do not go for points that may take too much explanation. Select your points wisely and select the ones which you can explain in a few sentences. The last thing you want is only one point in the whole essay. Give at least three or more points.
  • Plan your essay very carefully. Since you have to keep it within a short limit it is advisable to plan ahead. This way you avoid any chances of overshooting the word limit.
  • While planning keep the basic structure in mind. This will help you saving time while writing. You will know what to write after every point and when to finish it off so that you do not exceed the word count.
  • Like any other writings maintain the continuity and flow. DO not make any abrupt conclusion or drift from the main topic. As it is you have a very limited scope to express yourself so make it count. Write in such a way that each paragraph relates to the one before. Make gradual transition from one point to another and make sure that the points are relevant to the topic. If the transition is smooth the reader will find interest.
  • What put off most readers is grammatical errors. Try to avoid them as much as possible. Spelling mistakes is another strict no-no. Always proofread or at least polish it off once before submission. This way you will be able to detect a lot of errors and rectify them.
  • When you write the conclusion write a brief summary of the points that you have included in the essay. The conclusion should be brief but should have the essence of the whole essay. After you have summarized the points you will have to write how the points add up to the hypothesis. This way you will be able to conclude the futility of the essay. The points which made up in the end proves what you set out to prove.

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Need help with essay? ibuyessay.com - good essay writing service.

Stuck with essay? Read this essay writing tips.

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