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10 Fundamental Rules Of Writing A High School Argumentative Essay

It is beginning to bother you that even though you put in a lot of efforts in writing your academic papers, you still don’t receive good scores. Well, you can make a difference with the argumentative essay you were just assigned since the problem could be that you have not been strictly following the rules of writing high school argumentative essays. If you are startled, it means you know little or nothing about these rules. If this is the case, here are 10 fundamental rules of writing essays in high school. They are as follows:

  • Choosing An Inspiring Topic: If your teacher gave your class the freedom to decide what topic to base your paper on, it is important that you settle for an issue you are curious about. There are several issues that could form the basis of a great argumentative paper. However, you should not make the mistake of opting for a topic that has been discussed over and over again. Instead, you should go for something unique and more specific.
  • Look For Reliable Information: For your argument to be solid, you need to look for reliable information in writing your argumentative essay. Your school’s library is the first place to search and then you can move on to the internet for more information.
  • Organize Your Notes: As you search for information, make sure that everything is gathered. Should also take notes as you gather this information. Keeping things organized will help you to only gather helpful statistics and facts for your paper.
  • Work In Comfort: This is very important if you want to be focused on the task you have at hand. The space you have chosen to sit and write should be a comfortable space. If you can’t find such space in your home, then you should use the library or better still, make use of your classroom after school hours, if it is safe that is.
  • Keep Your Writing Materials Handy: This includes clean sheets of papers, notepads, pencils, erasers, pens, sharpeners and other materials that are important to your task.
  • Look For Samples: You need to understand what is hindering you from getting higher scores. It could be the structure or format of your paper. With a sample argumentative essay, you will be able to make improvements in your writing.
  • Create An Outline: This would form the skeletal structure of your paper and makes the writing process easier. Write A First Draft: With the outline as a guide, you have to write a first draft, starting from the body paragraphs and moving to the introduction and finally, the conclusion.
  • Improve On Your Work: After the first draft is written, sit back and carefully improve on it to ensure you are not only making sense with your arguments but also using proper grammar and punctuation.
  • Edit And Proofread: With the essay written, you then edit and proofread to make sure there are no errors. After this, you are ready to submit and earn the scores you so crave.

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